UFAD - Under floor air distribution, “Cole’s notes” version.

What is Under Floor Air Distribution? (first off lets start by calling it UFAD for short)

UFAD is a term used to describe the air delivery method by way of a raised access floor….Essentially the air is pushed under the raised access floor instead of through large overhead ducts! I have attached a picture below for you to get a visual.

Essentially the air distribution method for many of the offices/schools that you have likely seen have used a traditional overhead ducted delivery system. If you look up in your place of learning or work you will likely see large square vents (diffusers) in the ceiling that blow conditioned air down into your space. This would be the “overhead” method. If you have ever been in a space and seen smaller, round diffusers spread out all over the floor (like inside the BOW Tower, Telus SKY, MEC, Telus Gardens, Mackimmie Tower, to name a few…) that would be considered a UFAD system, as the air is delivered from underneath!

So why would someone choose a UFAD system?

UFAD systems offer the occupants cleaner air with little to no mixing of the existing room air….In short, an overhead system is designed to mix the fresh air with the already existing room air to provide a certain level of “fresh air” to the space. A UFAD system delivers the air from the ground, pushing away the hotter room air and forcing it back up into the ceiling space, eventually back to the return where it will be either sent outside, or filtered and some pushed back under the floor as clean air. The “mixing” in a UFAD system actually takes place when the return air and the fresh air meet BEFORE going through a filtration process - unlike that of overhead systems.

In addition to the cleaner air, UFAD is enjoyed over traditional systems because it allows the occupants the ability to control their own environment. As a general rule of thumb there would likely be 1 diffusers per every 100sqft, meaning each employee or occupant would have his/her own diffuser, on that diffuser is a thumb control that will allow you to open and close the vents to allow more or less air into your space! That right, total person zone control comfort! This is an obvious difference to those overhead systems that blast cold air down on your head and that is shared by multiple people within the space with little to no comfort settings for individuals.

Flexibility, future-proofing, churn, all terms we use over and over again when discussing raised floors and UFAD. Imagine the freedom to completely change the space and not have to worry about whether you have enough ventilation in the space! You can completely redesign the office or space simply by moving interchangeable access floor panels, diffusers, electrical boxes etc. from one spot to the next! Having the air at your feet allows for a truly flexible and uniquely modular space that’s only realized by employing the raised access flooring system and UFAD design.

Finally I would like to briefly touch on the energy savings that a UFAD system brings. Some studies have shown a reduction of up to 30% in overall energy savings. How is this achieved? Without getting into specifics, the UFAD method requires less cooling (less energy), lower velocity rates (less energy), less maintenance, and finally less materials - this is good for the environment and good for the overall cost.

This is all great stuff….but how much does a systems like this cost? Believe it or not - a UFAD system comes in virtually cost neutral when compared to and OH system. This means you can get all the benefits of a raised floor, modular wiring, under floor air at absolutely no extra cost. With the energy savings, churn cost savings, future flexibility a UFAD system will see significant costs savings over the long term, studies have shown that from energy savings and reduced absenteeism and reduced downtime for tenant improvements, these systems can save on average 20-30% per year.

There is a ton of calculations and formulas to showcase how UFAD offers greater ventilation effectiveness, activates more free-cooling hours, allows warmer delivery temperatures, reduces sick-building syndrome and so much more. I would truly value the opportunity to discuss these systems in greater detail with you, so if you are interested please reach out to us to discuss…I could talk about this subject for hours!

Thank you all for taking the time to read this post, please share this with your friends and colleagues and look out for the next installment!

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Raised access flooring, choosing the right panel - you have options!


Demountable partitions & Access floor, the perfect pair - “Future-proofing your space.”