The importance of flexibility

Thanks again for checking into this blog post - its much appreciated! Today we are going to briefly discuss the importance of flexibility within a space. How important is it for the space to work for you and the occupants?

Unfortunately we have all been impacted one way or another by the pandemic, some worse than others - We have noticed a significant trend in the dialog between contractors, architects and designers with just how important future flexibility needs to be. DISCLAIMER —- Please don’t take this blog as a sleezy attempt to market off of this terrible situation, I simply want to promote what myself, and others alike believe in when it comes to promoting the flexible and modular building method. This pandemic has affected so many people, so many business, ours included and I wish that everyone gets through this and that we come out stronger on the other side!

For years now I / we in the industry have been preaching that flexibility and the ability to adapt is paramount within a commercial office space, school, library etc. Flexibility and the ability to adapt are so crucial for the businesses and their occupants, pandemic aside, the cost to go through a construction project or to move buildings is crazy! I know because we recently made a major move (one that I will be sharing on here shortly)

Utilizing a raised access floor lays the ground (literally) for your flexibility, the raised floor is comprised of interchangeable panels that can support a ton (literally) of weight! The raised floor can house everything, power, data cables, network cables, plumbing, anything you would typically reserve for a ceiling, the floor can house it. What does this mean? Well with the power in the floor you have the option to now re-locate your desk or workstation ANYWHERE within the space!

Keeping with this theme, add in a “demountable glass partition” system, we prefer the OPTIMA Systems partitions, truly designed for todays market…Keeping the power in the floor means you can actually move your walls anywhere, create offices, open up for boardroom meetings, collaboration stations etc.

The best part about al of this is the raised floor doesn’t cost anything extra than that of traditional construction! That’s right, once you eliminate the coring, trenching, extra power needs, levelling etc., the raised floor is a wash! The you have a truly level surface, one of which will actually give you the same height walls everywhere, meaning your system is truly demountable!

Please feel free to reach out to us for free budgeting and proposals, we would never turn away a potential client, regardless of the project - we are here to help 24/7, even if you are simply interested, I would be more than happy to have a conversation with you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this brief BLOG post, hopefully your next project can start with a raised access floor!


Under Floor Air Distribution - (UFAD) The cleanest air delivery method!


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